
When is it time to speak up?

Sometimes people say demeaning and rude things to me. I know that it comes from a place of jealousy within them. In knowing that, it does not bother me too much. I usually let it go over my head as if I do not understand them. That really irritates them. Once in a while, people do need to be put in their place, though.

Pick your battles is smart advice. If they think they are going to hurt your feelings, and you react in a negative way, they have won in getting you upset and by demeaning you somehow. People who are jealous of you are most likely to try to hurt you. Jealous people should be walked away from. Let me tell you why. It never gets better!  These types of people only feel good about themselves if they can put someone else down! Sad to say it is true.

If any such person actually admits to you that he or she is jealous of you, it is also a “no-win” situation.  That person will always be miserable around you. They will compare what you have that they don’t have. They can be jealous of a spouse, job, money, personality, looks, boyfriend, girlfriend, house, friends, family, children, personality or anything they want that you have and they cannot obtain.

I say walk away from jealous people and stay away. Smile and make small talk if you like, but that is it! These people have to find other victims that they feel superior to in order to be happy. That is the truth of it. Sorry to say but they are in fact shallow thinking individuals.